Excess water this summer has certainly taken a toll on the wetlands along the Missouri River. Flooding was common and long-lasting…almost two months of flooding have depleted crops and soils, and several areas of Missouri were left with zapped resources.
As we are now in the harsh winter phase, what was killed from the flood has frigid temperatures to attempt a comeback. Hunting seasons and other recreational activities seem to be on the plummet for the fall and winter months.

Here at the Kansas City movers, our main concern is the safety and well being of our Missouri family. However, resources are a vital part of the local economy and well-being, so it’s quite significant that these remain intact. Donate to flood recovery funds by visiting MO.gov, the official website of the State of Missouri.
So far, 41 inches of snow have been received in 2010-2011 in northeast Missouri–up from the average 24 inches.