With student loan interest rates rising and more college students not being able to find jobs after graduation, students are figuring out that if they can cram four years of school into three, they can save thousands!
If you are moving to Kansas City and are a senior in high school, or are the guardian to a high school senior, consider Johnson County’s Degree in Three program.
Degree in Three allows high-achieving high school students to apply to take college-level courses in high school, in order to earn one year towards an associate’s degree from Johnson County Community College. Then, after one year at JCCC, they will have an associate’s degree and can transition to the University of Kansas’ Edwards campus to complete their bachelor’s degree.
Students at Blue Valley were already taking college-level coursework but wanted to see it geared more towards what would make them more employable. Working together, Blue Valley, KU, and JCCC launched Degree in Three.
Also implementing similar programs are the Olathe School District.
Degree in Three is estimated to save students $9,548 a year; the in-state tuition rate at KU.
If you are moving to Kansas City and have high school students, consider moving to a district that will help your teen excel and preserve their future in the job market.