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Kansas City May Go Through Fiscal Cliff Relatively Unscathed

While the nation is kept on the edge of their seats awaiting developments of the fiscal cliff and what it will do the American dollar, some data gathered in Kansas City hints that though the city wouldn’t be invincible during the economic crisis, they would fare better than many of their metro peers throughout the country. The whispers of effects like increased taxes will likely not phase the Kansas City region. The Overland Park movers have found that federal spending in the area is about 17 percent of the Kansas City economy–and government jobs actually plan to grow, by 800 positions, in the area.

However, if tax rates do go up in the area, there will certainly be backlash felt. Consumer spending would likely dwindle, and retail is a large employment and economy related area of commerce. Additionally, local real estate would suffer from reared back spending habits. Once the deadline hits and a decision is made, we’ll know more about what the future holds for Kansas City.

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